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Love in Sergey Orlov’s Poems

Сергей Орлов с женой и сыном

Signs of simple and immortal, muted and socially biased things are clearly visible in Sergey Orlov’s love poems.
Love is one of the major topics in his poetry. This feeling has various semantic shades in Sergey Orlov’s poems meaning love to Russia, his hometown, nature, the universe, life, beauty, humanity in people.
Poems dedicated to love for life are of a particular significance. Describing this feeling, Sergey Orlov associates it with life of nature.
The autobiographical element is apparent in Sergey Orlov’s love poems.
His love, taking a very important place in his notebooks, knew happiness of return of affection and grief of breaking up.
His love poems are hard to talk about because it is almost impossible to quote them: each poem is worth quoting and is breathing with Sergey Orlov’s special chastity. Due to this rare quality he seemed to stand out in a crowd. It helped him find his own means of expression. His beloved one was always a source of light, goodness, and an object of admiration for him. Even when love hurt and made him feel bad he never blamed it.
Sergey Orlov had a high school sweetheart. Her name was Lyudmila. After the war they went their own ways but one can see poems marked by L.P. in his books.
Later, after moving to Leningrad, Sergey Orlov met his future wife. They lived together for more than a quarter of a century being a united and like-minded family.

A. Minchkovsky remembers the following: “Sergey fell in love demonstrating his sincere feelings and temper of his light-hearted nature. But something went wrong with his love story. Well-informed people said his sweetheart’s parents had some concerns about Sergey’s unstable living conditions and unreliable occupation. They were far from literary circles and very afraid of his doubtful financial position. But Sergey Orlov really had nothing but his talent.
However, though it took some time, Sergey managed to overcome all obstacles and the parents’ opposition. It was his victory. I do not remember any wedding. They were not typical for my generation. Sergey Orlov got married like all of us did. And later his son Vladimir was born”.

«У березки» — Ермакова Т.А.
Near a Birch Tree Art Object. Designer: T.A. Yermakova

Из воспоминаний Ларисы Васильевой.
1945 г. — «У той березки, где с тобой…». Читает — Владимир Таныгин.
1954 г. — Стихи о первой любви. Читает — Владимир Таныгин.
1956 г. — «Голос первой любви моей — поздний, напрасный…». Читает автор — Сергей Орлов.
1961 г. — «Смеялась женщина, смеялась…». Читает — Владимир Таныгин.
1966 г . — «Уходит женщина. Уходит…». Читает — Владимир Таныгин.