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Belozersky Regional Museum of Local Lore
г. Ханты-Мансийск, ул. Академика Королева, д. 71
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Architecture of the city of Belozersk

Город уютной старины Фото Югалов НП . Вид на город с озера
"The city of cozy antiquity" Photo by Yugalov NP. View of the city from the lake

In Belozersk, a city with a history of eleven centuries, more than 50 historical and cultural monuments have been preserved. Secular architecture is represented by residential buildings (Kalinin's house, Serago's house, Inyushin's house, etc.), administrative and educational buildings (city council, police station, buildings of city and theological schools, etc.). On the former Shopping square, the vazhnya (building for weighing goods) and shopping malls have been preserved. On the embankment of the canal you can see an ensemble of industrial and economic buildings of the Ministry of Railways of Water Transport. Most of the monuments of civil architecture belong to the XIX-XX centuries.
Church architecture is represented by 11 stone and one wooden churches in varying degrees of preservation. The oldest stone building – the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin (mid-XVI century.) and the later Epiphany Church (the second half of the XVIII century.) are under the jurisdiction of the Orthodox parish, as well as a small chapel (the second half of the XIX century.) in the city center.
The main attraction of Belozersk is the ancient settlement "Belozersky Kremlin". Mighty earthen ramparts, surrounded by a deep moat, were poured under Ivan III at the end of the XV century.
An arched three-span bridge (the first half of the XIX century) is thrown across the fortress moat, organically fitting into the landscape of ancient earthen ramparts.

Belozersky Kremlin photo by Alexey Yuzhakov

On the territory of the Belozersky Kremlin there is the Transfiguration Cathedral, built in the second half of the XVII century.

Спасо-Преображенский собор
Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral

Of particular value is the three-tiered church of Elijah the Prophet, cut down at the end of the XVII century. This is the only wooden church preserved in the city.
The main volume of the elegant Church of the Savior of the All-Merciful is surrounded by a colorful tiled frieze.
The Church of St. John the Baptist, designed in the style of mature classicism, was built in 1810 by the famous architect V.I. Bazhenov.
The scientific and educational and stock departments of the museum are located in the house of Kaporulin.

Вид на вал

Территория «Городище «Белозерский вал» XVв.»

Мост через крепостной ров

Мост через крепостной ров

Церковь Петра и Павла

Церковь Петра и Павла

Церковь Спаса Всемилостивого

Церковь Спаса Всемилостивого



Церковь Иоанна Предтечи

Церковь Иоанна Предтечи

Architectural monuments under the jurisdiction of the Belozersky Regional Museum of Local Lore

Фрунзе 28

"House No. 28/1 on Frunze Street" (updated name: City School building, 1901)


The Savior’s Transfiguration Cathedral


The iconostasis of the Transfiguration Cathedral

советский 70

House 5/17 at Unykh Kommunarov street (precise name: Kaparulin’s house, 2nd half of 19th century)


The Church of Elijah the Prophet

советский 70

Merchant Kaparulin’s House, 1st half of 19th century