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Belozersky Regional Museum of Local Lore
г. Ханты-Мансийск, ул. Академика Королева, д. 71
График работы:
с 9:00 до 18:00
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Bridge over the fortress moat

Праздничное шествие по мосту через ров 1929 г. БИХМ 2233.
Festive procession on the bridge over the moat 1929 BIHM 2233.

The bridge connects the ancient Belozersky Kremlin with the territory of the former posad. It was built in the first half of the XIX century, replacing its dilapidated wooden predecessor. The bridge has three arched spans. The arches are laconically decorated with brick cornices, each of which is connected by a low lock to the lower rim of the parapet.  Such arched three—span bridges are very rare in the Russian North. In 1972 , at the expense of the All - Russian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments , the bridge was restored by a voluntary student detachment  Moscow Institute of Engineering and Physics.

In the winter of 2010, pits were made.

Мост после реставрации. 2012 г.
The bridge after restoration. 2012

The last restoration of the bridge was carried out in the summer of 2012. The bridge is securely reinforced with a strong metal frame. The ground around the supports was cut, drainage was carried out, brickwork and foundation were projected. Now vehicles can move across the bridge, however, still with large restrictions on carrying capacity and speed.